jeudi 8 janvier 2009

Libérer l'Europe ? Vaclav Klaus

Et bien, M. Vaclav Klaus vient de prendre la tête de l'Union Européenne et déjà c'est plaisant à voir...

Voici ce qu'à publié M. Klaus dans le Financial Time aujourd'hui:
Do not tie the markets – free them

Voici des brides ( pour les paresseux :) ):
The economic crisis should be regarded as an unavoidable consequence and hence a “just” price we have to pay for immodest and over-confident politicians playing with the market.  Their attempts to blame the market, instead of blaming themselves, are unacceptable and should be resolutely rejected. The Czech government will – hopefully – not push the world and Europe into more regulation, nationalisation, de-liberalisation and protectionism. Our historical experience gives us a very strong warning in this respect.
A big increase in financial regulation, as is being proposed so often these days, will only prolong the recession. [...]Radically changing regulation governing financial institutions in the midst of recession is counterproductive.

One traditional way to do this is to increase government expenditures, probably in public infrastructure projects, on condition these are available. It would be much more helpful, however, to have a great reduction in all kinds of restrictions on private initiatives introduced in the last half a century during the era of the brave new world of the “social and ecological market economy”. The best thing to do now would be temporarily to weaken, if not repeal, various labour, environmental, social, health and other “standards”, because they block rational human activity more than anything else.

Our historical experience gives us a clear instruction: we always need more of markets and less of government intervention. We also know that government failure is more costly than market failure.

We can also count on the fact that the Czech government will hopefully not be the champion of global warming alarmism. The Czechs feel that freedom and prosperity are much more endangered than the climate.

 We know that peace cannot be declared unilaterally and that long-lasting solutions are usually not the ones that are imposed from abroad. The Czech government will not support external interventions into the domestic affairs of sovereign countries. We should resist being seduced by philosopher-king ambitions.

The EU presidency might give us a chance to make use of some of our views to the benefit of the citizens of all EU member states. Their welfare and happiness will be maximised in a free, democratic, decentralised, open and liberalised Europe.

Wow, quand est-ce qu'un gouvernement d'ici va me promettre ceci ?...
Evidemment, plusieurs commencent déjà à trouver cela moins drôle en Europe...

Hé Hé... petit brise de fraicheur provenant de l'autre coté de la rive...

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